Going Live To Not Commit Sewerside.mp4
So, a lot of this is in the hearts and minds of the entire community\u00a0in\u00a0Shelby\u00a0and\u00a0the surrounding area. You can't go hardly anywhere in that part of the state of North Carolina and people don't know the name Asha Degree.\u00a0\u00a0Her parents still hold out hope that she's alive. And I can remember several occasions, the mother said,\u00a0\u201cUntil you bring me proof beyond 99.9% that my daughter is dead, I'm\u00a0gonna\u00a0believe she's alive.\u201d\u00a0And she\u2019s holding out hope,\u00a0and we're holding out that hope for her.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0We're just committed to find those answers,\u00a0for the community and for those parents that have lost their child. It's just not normal that a child walks out. There\u00a0has to\u00a0be some more reason behind why she would've just walked out in the middle of the night.\u00a0So that's why it's so very important for people to call\u00a0in\u00a0with information,\u00a0and so we're just trying to appeal to everyone to do that.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Grover:\u00a0For more information about Asha\u2019s\u00a0disappearance and our\u00a0efforts to find her, visit fbi.gov/ashadegree.\u00a0In addition to information about the case,\u00a0we also have a number of photos, including an age-progressed picture showing what Asha may look like at age 29.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Remember, if you have any information about Asha Degree\u2019s disappearance,\u00a0you can contact the Cleveland County Sheriff\u2019s Office, the FBI, or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Even if you\u00a0have\u00a0spoken to law enforcement before, we encourage you to reach out if you have\u00a0new information that may help.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0And as always, no piece of information is too small.\u00a0\u00a0Adams:\u00a0Because we're not\u00a0gonna\u00a0forget. We're not\u00a0gonna\u00a0let it go. It's not\u00a0gonna\u00a0just go away. It's not gonna be a case that's put on a shelf and forgotten about.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0It will be worked until we find her.\u00a0\u00a0Grover:\u00a0This has been another episode of Inside the FBI.\u00a0You can follow us on your favorite podcast player, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.\u00a0
Going live to not commit sewerside.mp4
But it's also about how we keep making transformative investments and how we should work hard to make sure that the Southern Tier is all it can possibly be. And part of that comes down to making our community safer, more affordable, more livable, and places that not just people want to come to, but the young people who grow up here, are educated in our great schools - you have a chance to go to great community college and public institutions, private institutions - that they can also stay here. That that era of our greatest export being our young people is officially over, that people want to come here. And I do believe that the pandemic has had an effect where people are reexamining their lives, and they're being drawn to smaller communities and that sense of, you know, a united story and a story that is built in a great history and a legacy, but also a promising future. So, I think I'm confident that this region is going to be continued beneficiaries as, you know, say we want to work remotely, you can have a job in New York City, but live right here in Johnson City and have incredible, incredible quality of life.
Well, one of the challenges we have is where are all these people going to live? I mean, you create 13,000 jobs, you got to have places for the workers to live. And this is a challenge that we've embraced. It's always easier to just walk away from the big challenges and say, "Let somebody else do that." But that's not why I ran for office. It's not why I'm where I am right now. We have to lean into this and I'm conscious of the fact that, you know, bold leadership is required right now because some communities have embraced adding more housing and others have not, and people want to live here.
I mean, view those as places where people can gather and live and have an extraordinary life. And you know, I think about our rents. The rents are going up. Rents are going up. They used to be so inexpensive to be able to live in our communities. Rents are going up and our utilities are going up. And so, we have tostart putting money behind this.
And there's nobody else who can touch our commitment to education because if you make these investments now, you get these kids on a path that leads them away from all the temptations of the street or trouble in the neighborhood or decisions related to substance abuse or going into different activities that you do not want your kids into.
But also, to set us apart. I mean, there's money coming out of the federal government. I thank Senator Schumer for his work to help get the CHIPS bill done out of Washington, which created incentives to bring the jobs back from Southeast Asia, from China, where they never should have been, you know, is invented here, and always manufacture somewhere else. We're changing that trajectory and that's why I'm starting a $45 million commitment to create an office. The Office of Semiconductor Expansion, Management and Integration, which fortunately when you shorten it sounds - says SEMI. So, what a coincidence. So, that's something that when I was in Washington last weekend, I spoke to the Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, and they're making decisions on where they're going to position the nation's National Semiconductor Training Institute, and I'm making a strong pitch for New York. I think that's going to continue to add to our gravitas. And I said, "I'm putting $45 million behind this." She says, "Okay, that sounds really, really good." So, that's the kind of investments we're making, and coordinating again with our local partners to make sure that the skills that these employers are looking for are being taught.
It's not just a slogan. It's how we live life every single day. Are we bettering the lives of our residents? Do people who put their faith in us? Are we going to leave this place better than we found it? Because that's how we're judged at the end of, hopefully, a long life. And I take that very seriously.
Early screening and identification of mental illness both antenatally andpostnatally is important. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (68,69)is a validated tool that can be easily administered both in pregnancy andthe postpartum. Up to 4% of mothers with untreated postpartum psychosis willcommit infanticide (70). Because hospitallength of stay after delivery is shorter now, many cases of postpartum psychosiscould be undetected in the community. Therefore, community education is important.Support services for mothers and accessible psychiatric services for at-riskpopulations are needed.
2) When Peter heard Jesus say, "I'm going to be delivered into the hands of the elders and the chief priests and they're going to kill me," Peter said, "No they're not! Not while I'm alive!" And Jesus' response to him was not, "Thank you for loving me so much." His response was, "Get behind me Satan!" meaning that the effort to keep Jesus from going to the cross is satanic.
It's like a man who is about to commit suicide because he hates his wife who has made his life miserable. This is what almost all suicide is: it's the way of getting back at somebody. You basically either want to be pitied, or you want to really hurt someone ("I'm going to kill myself and show my parents how bad they were"). So you can just see a man moving right up to suicide and his last thought is, "This will really make them miserable." BANG!
A committed vegetarian[23] from 1966 until her death,[21] Williams believed in leading a healthy lifestyle and aiming for self-improvement.[17] She was once featured on the cover of the Vegetarian Times.[20] In her later years, she gave up smoking (which she felt very strongly about and would not allow anyone to smoke in her changing rooms) as well as eventually stopping drinking entirely and never using any other drugs; she also became strongly opposed to the high sugar content in easily available processed foods.[17] Swenson recalls that: "[Wendy] was a consummate professional, always working on her craft, working on the show. She would work out hours every day, she would run six miles a day. She was a total vegetarian, totally into health food. When we were on the road, she always made sure the band was well fed. No processed meats, no white bread".[20] She was known for refusing to wear makeup products manufactured by companies that used animals for laboratory experimentation[17] and she was completely against needless poaching.[1] After leaving the music scene, Swenson and Williams moved to Storrs, Connecticut, in 1991 to live in the geodesic dome house that they built for each other.[1][24] Wendy worked at a food co-op[1] and became a wildlife rehabilitator to help animals, which she loved since her childhood[20] as she was known for taking in and helping wounded wild animals as a child.[21]
On August 31, 2020, Ronald Merle McNutt, a 33-year-old American man, committed suicide by shooting himself under the chin with a rifle on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on social media platforms.
The case sparked a debate over what legal liability is owed by internet platforms that fail to promptly remove graphic and disturbing footage from public view, with the blame generally being placed on Facebook for failing to cut off the livestream during the initial suicide attempt itself. Joshua Steen had called Facebook multiple times, and had called the police, neither of which stopped the stream before McNutt had already committed suicide.[24][25] Steen declared, "if some woman posts a topless photo, their software will detect that, remove it, and ban their account. That's apparently more offensive than my friend killing himself."[26] It was argued by the two platforms that the "dark web" was responsible for the ongoing circulation of the video.[27][28] 041b061a72