Club Greensock Plugins
Hey kevchcm. In order to get access to the Club GreenSock plugins on your account which doesn't have the Club GreenSock membership on it, they need to have your account as one of their registered developers.
Club Greensock Plugins
Download File:
In order to gain access to the Club GreenSock plugins, you either need to purchase a Club GreenSock membership on this account (which is not what you should do in this case) or have a member with a multi-developer Business Green membership add you as one of their registered developers (which is what you should do in this case). Does that make sense?
Looks like you're covered by the standard no-charge license. Yay! When you're ready to take your animations to the next level, join Club GreenSock to gain access to the time-saving bonus plugins. Until then, happy tweening!
A Single Developer Business Green membership includes access to all of the bonus plugins and a commercial license for one developer to use GreenSock tools in an unlimited number of projects while the license is active.The commercial license fully covers your unedited Work Products even after being sold/resold! No need to register each project or user. Just please keep your license active until you stop collecting fees related to the GreenSock-powered site/product(s). If your customer needs to edit your Work Product, they should get their own license. See our licensing page for details.
A multi-developer Business Green membership includes access to all of the bonus plugins and a commercial license for however many developers you sign up for to use GreenSock tools in an unlimited number of projects while the license is active. The commercial license fully covers your unedited Work Products even after being sold/resold! No need to register each project or user. Just please keep your license active until you stop collecting fees related to the GreenSock-powered site/product(s). If your customer needs to edit your Work Product, they should get their own license. See our licensing page for details.
Oh, and please don't include any of the bonus plugins in a public repository, like a Github repo (just because that'd make it super easy for anyone to steal the plugins or it could accidentally give those repo users the impression that all the code is open source).
I see. Just to clarify a little further only because I don't want to misunderstand the license as I read it. I am doing some freelance work for an ad agency at the moment. The ad agency has the client and I am working on something for their client's site. If I use the plugins from my Shockingly Green for a banner ad or say a hero animation on the site, does this fall under acceptable use? There is only one site. There is no distribution. The code is uploaded to a private repo. No part of the site is selling anything as it is just informational. Thanks for the detailed reply!Sooooo glad to be back. :-)
We've bought the Shockingly Green membership, downloaded the plugins and followed the instructions but there appears to be some gaps ie a massive gap for anyone not used to using NPM on a live website.Do I need to somehow find a way to install Node and NPM on our development server? And then do the same on the live server? I really can't fathom this out from your installation guide. The instructions seem to be designed purely for use in VS Code. I've got a huge website waiting to go live. I've no idea whether I can get NPM working on it and then it's going on an AWS server. Loads of hoops and zero explanation. Unless I'm missing something? Sorry if I sound frustrated. That's probably because I am.I've built the animations. I've got all the free stuff working fine on the development website. There's just the text animations that use your TextPlugin.Obviously, no problems in CodePen.The development server gives me this error:Uncaught ReferenceError: SplitText is not definedI've got the TextPlugin loading above the GSAP animation code. GSAP and everything else loads in the header. All the scripts are there. The GSAP script triggers on page load.
You can't use the same URLs for the Club GreenSock plugins that CodePen uses. Those are made specifically for sites like CodePen. To use the Club files on your own site, simply download GSAP from the GreenSock website (while you're logged into a Club GreenSock account) and upload the Club files to your development/live site. We show how to do that in the install videos and talk about how to do so on the install page.
Please don't, that is basically an error on the folks of Netlify, that file shouldn't be there at all. The club memberships are what keeps GSAP running, improving and coming up with great tools, it's quite affordable and the investment returns almost immediately (normally getting paid for one job should get any developer, of any skill level their money back).
Hah, no. People should include the .tgz file in their .gitignore - it seems that they forgot or didn't know to do that. The interesting thing is I don't think they actually ended up using any of the club plugins! It's there from previous iterations of the site.
The Netlify site is a fantastic example of what can be done with the tools. Hats off to the team there (Sarah in particular). We think it's awesome that they shared things the way they did - the only issue was the bonus plugins, but that'll be resolved shortly. ?
So I have recently added the Club Greensock plugins to the project and they are working like magic on the local server, the plugins really are amazing! However, whenever I deploy I am getting the following error since I am git-ignoring the tarball as I have read a couple of comments by the GSAP team asking not to upload the files to GitHub:
I have read some posts in the forums but the suggestions and fixes don't seem to apply to this particular case. I am thinking that a quick fix could be if by any chance the plugins are deployed as a private NPM package. I really don't have any other ideas at the moment...
You are correct in that Club GreenSock plugins should not be included in a public repository. What people normally do is either a) host the files on their own private server or b) use a private repository for their projects.
I know this seems to be a Vite problem, but somewhere I also read there being a namespace problem that needed to be fixed for GSAP. I'm just tired of not finding anything, so is there any workaround to make GSAP and the Club Greensock plugins in Vite?
That error message you posted sounds like you're trying to use ScrollSmoother BEFORE you registered it. So make sure you call gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother) before you try to do anything with those plugins.
It'd be great if you could create an example in Stackblitz or Codesandbox in order to have a better look or provide a public repo (don't include bonus plugins, use gsap-trial instead).
This package is only intended for experimentation during development. It contains the public GSAP files plus all bonus plugins which are normally available exclusively to Club GreenSock members, including DrawSVGPlugin, MorphSVGPlugin, Flip, SplitText, GSDevTools, CustomEase, InertiaPlugin, and more. The trial plugins only work locally and on certain approved domains like,,, and Deploying them elsewhere violates the license and will result in a browser redirect!
Once you're a Club GreenSock member, download the unrestricted plugins from your account and then include them in your own JS payload. There are no "phone home" scripts that track usage and the plugins won't suddenly stop working if/when your membership expires. We treat others the way we'd like to be treated and our entire business model is built on the honor system. Read about it here. GreenSock has a private NPM registry for members too.
Please do not use any of the bonus plugins without the proper license which comes with Club GreenSock memberships. GreenSock's standard "no charge" license for the public files can be viewed at -license. Club GreenSock members are granted additional rights. See for details. Why doesn't GreenSock use an MIT (or similar) open source license, and why is that a good thing? This article explains it all: -license/
The default (main) file is gsap.js which includes most of the eases as well as the core plugins like CSSPlugin, AttrPlugin, SnapPlugin, ModifiersPlugin, and all of the utility methods like interpolate(), mapRange(), etc.
Download Club GreenSock members-only plugins from your account and then include them in your own JS payload. There's even a tarball file you can install with NPM/Yarn. GreenSock has a private NPM registry for members too. Post questions in our forums and we'd be happy to help.
There are many optional plugins and easing functions for achieving advanced effects easily like scrolling, morphing, animating along a motion path or FLIP animations. There's even a handy Observer for normalizing event detection across browsers/devices.
The default (main) file is gsap.js which includes most of the eases as well as the core plugins like CSSPlugin, AttrPlugin, SnapPlugin, ModifiersPlugin, and all of the utility methods like interpolate(), mapRange(), etc.