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Zinovy Khokhlov

What You Need to Know About East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar: History, Overview, and Guide

East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar: A Comprehensive Review

If you are looking for a realistic, expressive, and versatile brass library for your music production, you might want to check out East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar. This is a collection of high-quality brass instruments that covers a wide range of styles, genres, and applications. In this article, we will explore what this library has to offer, how to install and use it, and why you should consider adding it to your arsenal.

East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar

What is East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar?

East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar is a sample library that contains over 4 GB of brass sounds recorded from nearly 900 individual instruments. It was created by East West, one of the leading developers of sample libraries and virtual instruments in the industry. The library is compatible with KONTAKT, a powerful sampler and plugin by Native Instruments that allows you to load, play, and edit sampled sounds.

The library features a variety of brass instruments, from solo trumpets, trombones, horns, and tubas, to full brass sections and ensembles. It also includes different articulations and playing techniques, such as legato, staccato, marcato, mutes, falls, glissandos, trills, shakes, bends, rips, swells, crescendos, decrescendos, vibrato, flutter tongue, growl, breath noise, valve noise, and more. You can control these articulations with keyswitches or MIDI CCs for realistic expression and performance.

The library also offers a lot of flexibility and customization options. You can adjust the volume, pan, tuning, reverb, EQ, filter, envelope, LFO, chorus, delay, distortion, compression, limiter, stereo width, modulation wheel depth, pitch bend range, velocity curve, polyphony mode, purge mode, voice mode (mono or poly), portamento time (for legato), release time (for staccato), mute type (for muted instruments), key range (for transposing), MIDI channel (for multi-timbral use), output routing (for multi-output use), instrument info (for reference), instrument icon (for identification), instrument color (for visualization), instrument comments (for notes), instrument lock (for protection), instrument purge (for memory optimization), instrument save (for preset creation), instrument load (for preset recall), instrument reset (for default settings), instrument help (for user manual), instrument about (for credits), instrument quit (for closing), and more.

A brief history and overview of East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass

East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass (BS), Brass Ensembles (BE), and Miscellaneous Brass Instruments (MB). Each category contains several subcategories and types of brass instruments, such as trumpets, trombones, horns, tubas, euphoniums, flugelhorns, cornets, saxophones, clarinets, and more. Here is a table that shows the breakdown of the instruments and articulations included in the library:





Solo Brass Instruments (SB)


Trumpet 1

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Trumpet 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip


Trombone 1

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Trombone 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip


Horn 1

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Horn 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill


Tuba 1

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Tuba 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Euphonium 1

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Euphonium 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Brass Sections (BS)

Trumpet Section

Trumpet Section 1 (3 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Trumpet Section 2 (3 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Trombone Section

Trombone Section 1 (3 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Trombone Section 2 (3 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Horn Section

Horn Section 1 (4 players)

Legato , Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Horn Section 2 (4 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Brass Ensembles (BE)

Brass Ensemble

Brass Ensemble 1 (10 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight, Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Brass Ensemble 2 (10 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight, Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill, Shake, Bend, Rip

Big Band Brass

Big Band Brass 1 (6 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Big Band Brass 2 (6 players)

Legato , Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Orchestral Brass

Orchestral Brass 1 (12 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight, Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Orchestral Brass 2 (12 players)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon, Cup, Straight, Stop), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Miscellaneous Brass Instruments (MB)


Flugelhorn 1

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Flugelhorn 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon), Fall, Glissando, Trill


Cornet 1

Legato , Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Cornet 2

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Harmon), Fall, Glissando, Trill


Saxophone 1 (Alto)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Growl), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Saxophone 2 (Tenor)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Growl), Fall, Glissando, Trill


Clarinet 1 (Bb)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Flutter Tongue), Fall, Glissando, Trill

Clarinet 2 (Bb)

Legato, Staccato, Marcato, Mute (Flutter Tongue), Fall, Glissando, Trill

A practical guide on how to load, play, and edit the library in KONTAKT

Now that we have seen what the library contains and what it can do, let's see how we can use it in KONTAKT. KONTAKT is a powerful sampler and plugin that allows you to load, play, and edit sampled sounds. You can use KONTAKT as a standalone application or as a plugin in your DAW of choice. In this guide, we will assume that you have already installed KONTAKT on your computer and that you have a valid license for the library. If you need help with these steps, please refer to the official websites of East West and Native Instruments for more information and support.

How to download and install the library on your computer?

The first step is to download and install the library on your computer. The library is available as a digital download from the East West website. You will need to create an account and log in to access the download link. You will also need to activate the library with the serial number that you received when you purchased it. The download size is about 4.5 GB and it will take some time depending on your internet speed. Once the download is complete, you will need to extract the rar file to a folder of your choice. The extracted folder will contain several subfolders with the instrument files (.nki) and the sample files (.wav). You can move or rename this folder as you wish, but make sure to keep the folder structure intact.

How to load and browse the library in KONTAKT's browser or library tab?

The next step is to load and browse the library in KONTAKT's browser or library tab. There are two ways to do this: using the browser or using the library tab. The browser is a file explorer that lets you navigate through your computer's folders and files. The library tab is a graphical interface that lets you access your installed libraries and their instruments. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Using the browser

To use the browser , you need to open KONTAKT and click on the browser icon on the top left corner of the interface. This will open a window that shows your computer's folders and files. You can use the arrow buttons or the mouse wheel to navigate through them. You can also use the search bar or the filter options to find what you are looking for. To load an instrument from the library, you need to locate the folder where you extracted the rar file and open it. Then, you need to open the subfolder that corresponds to the category of the instrument you want to load (SB, BS, BE, or MB). Inside each subfolder, you will find several instrument files (.nki) that have the name and icon of the instrument. To load an instrument, you need to double-click on its file or drag and drop it onto the rack area of KONTAKT. This will load the instrument and its samples into KONTAKT's memory and display its interface on the screen. You can load multiple instruments at once by using the shift or ctrl keys while selecting them. You can also unload an instrument by clicking on its close button or by right-clicking on it and choosing "Unload".

Using the library tab

To use the library tab, you need to open KONTAKT and click on the library icon on the top left corner of the interface. This will open a window that shows your installed libraries and their icons. You can use the arrow buttons or the mouse wheel to scroll through them. You can also use the search bar or the filter options to find what you are looking for. To load an instrument from the library, you need to click on its icon and then click on "Browse" or "Load". This will open a window that shows the instruments and subcategories of the library. You can use the arrow buttons or the mouse wheel to navigate through them. You can also use the search bar or the filter options to find what you are looking for. To load an instrument, you need to double-click on its name or drag and drop it onto the rack area of KONTAKT. This will load the instrument and its samples into KONTAKT's memory and display its interface on the screen. You can load multiple instruments at once by using the shift or ctrl keys while selecting them. You can also unload an instrument by clicking on its close button or by right-clicking on it and choosing "Unload".

How to adjust the settings, keyswitches, and MIDI CCs for optimal performance and expression?

Once you have loaded an instrument from the library, you can adjust its settings, keyswitches, and MIDI CCs to suit your needs and preferences. These parameters allow you to control various aspects of the instrument, such as volume, pan, tuning, reverb, EQ, filter, envelope, LFO, chorus, delay, distortion, compression, limiter, stereo width, modulation wheel depth, pitch bend range, velocity curve, polyphony mode, purge mode, voice mode (mono or poly), portamento time (for legato), release time (for staccato), mute type (for muted instruments), key range (for transposing), MIDI channel (for multi-timbral use), output routing (for multi-output use), and more.

To access these parameters, you need to click on the "Settings" button on the top right corner of the instrument's interface. This will open a window that shows the various tabs and options available. You can use the mouse or the arrow keys to navigate through them. You can also use the tooltips or the help button to get more information about each parameter. To adjust a parameter, you need to click and drag on its knob or slider, or type in a value in its box. To reset a parameter to its default value, you need to double-click on it or right-click on it and choose "Reset". To save your changes, you need to click on the "Apply" button or press the enter key. To discard your changes, you need to click on the "Cancel" button or press the escape key.

Another way to control the instrument is to use keyswitches and MIDI CCs. Keyswitches are special keys on your keyboard that trigger different articulations and playing techniques for the instrument. MIDI CCs are continuous controllers that modulate various parameters of the instrument. You can use these methods to add realism and expression to your performance. To see which keyswitches and MIDI CCs are assigned to each instrument, you need to click on the "Keyswitches" or "MIDI CCs" button on the top right corner of the instrument's interface. This will open a window that shows the mapping and description of each keyswitch or MIDI CC. You can also customize these assignments by clicking on the "Edit" button and choosing your own keys or controllers.


In this article, we have reviewed East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar, a sample library that contains over 4 GB of brass sounds recorded from nearly 900 individual instruments. We have seen what this library has to offer, how to install and use it, and why you should consider adding it to your arsenal.

This library is a great choice for anyone who needs realistic , expressive, and versatile brass sounds for their music production. It covers a wide range of styles, genres, and applications, from solo instruments to full sections and ensembles. It also offers a lot of flexibility and customization options, as well as realistic and expressive articulations and playing techniques. It is compatible with KONTAKT, a powerful sampler and plugin that allows you to load, play, and edit sampled sounds.

If you are interested in trying out this library, you can download a free demo version from the East West website. The demo version contains a limited selection of instruments and articulations, but it will give you a taste of what the library can do. If you are satisfied with the demo version, you can purchase the full version from the same website. The full version costs $299 USD and it comes with a lifetime license and support.

Whether you are a professional composer, a hobbyist producer, or a beginner musician, you will find East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar to be a valuable addition to your collection. It will help you create realistic and expressive brass parts for your music projects, and it will inspire you to explore new musical possibilities. So don't hesitate and get your copy today!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar:

What are the system requirements for using this library?

To use this library, you need to have the following system requirements:

  • A computer with Windows 7 or higher (64-bit) or Mac OS X 10.7 or higher (64-bit)

  • A minimum of 4 GB of RAM (8 GB or more recommended)

  • A minimum of 4.5 GB of free disk space

  • A sound card that supports ASIO or Core Audio

  • A MIDI keyboard or controller

  • A valid license for KONTAKT 5.8.1 or higher (full version, not player)

  • A valid license for East West Samples Quantum Leap Brass KONTAKT.rar

How much disk space does this library occupy?

This library occupies about 4.5 GB of disk space when uncompressed. However, you can use the purge mode to reduce the memory usage by unloading the unused samples from the RAM. You can also use the compression mode to reduce the disk space usage by compressing the samples with lossless algorithms. You can access these modes by clicking on the "Settings" button on the top right corner of the instrument's interface and choosing the "Purge" or "Compression" tab.

Can this library be used with other DAWs or plugins besides KONTAKT?

This library can be used with any DAW or plugin that supports KONTAKT as a plugin format. This includes popular DAWs such as Cubase, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, FL Studio, Reaper, Studio One, GarageBand , and more. This also includes popular plugins such as Sibelius, Finale, Dorico, Notion, and more. To use this library with other DAWs or plugins, you need to load KONTAKT as a plugin in your host application and then load the library in KONTAKT's browser or library tab. You can then use the MIDI and audio features of your host application to record, edit, mix, and export your music.

What are some tips and tricks for getting the most out of this library?

Here are some tips and tricks for getting the most out of this library:

  • Use the keyswitches and MIDI CCs to switch between different articulations and modulate various parameters of the instrument. This will add realism and expression to your performance.

  • Use the settings tab to adjust the volume, pan, tuning, reverb, EQ, filter, envelope, LFO, chorus, delay, distortion, compression, limiter, stereo width, modulation wheel depth, pitch bend range, velocity curve, polyphony mode, purge mode, voice mode (mono or poly), portamento time (for legato), release time (for staccato), mute type (for muted instruments), key range (for transposing), MIDI channel (for multi-timbral use), output routing (for multi-output use), and more. This will optimize the sound and performance of the instrument.

  • Use the edit tab to customize the keyswitches and MIDI CCs assignments. This will suit your personal preferences and workflow.

  • Use the purge tab to reduce the memory usage by unloading the unused samples from the RAM. This will improve the performance of your computer.

  • Use the compression tab to reduce the disk space usage by compressing the samples with lossless algorithms. This will save storage space on your computer.

  • Use the save tab to create your own presets with your custom settings and assignments. This will save time and effort for future use.

  • Use the help tab to access the user manual and get more information and support for the library. This will help you solve any problems or questions you might have.

Where can I find more information and support for this library?

If you need more information and support for this library, you can visit the following websites:

The official website of East West: []. Here you can find more details about the library, download a free demo version, purchase the full version, access your account and license information, contact customer service, join the user forum, an

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